Critical Reflection of my Module and Project Learning

 Critical Reflection

Module Learning

For my first trimester in SIT, I have had the opportunity to take Critical Thinking & Communicating as one of my modules, where the key aspects are about practicing and improving our verbal and non-verbal communication and skills. Before the first lesson, I had assumed that since I had a good command of my English, therefore I thought this module was a walk in a park. However, throughout this trimester, I quickly realize that I still had a lot of room to improve when it comes to mastering the art of communication both, in terms of writing and speaking. 

This module has switched a flip in me, where originally, I thought critical thinking was a concept that sounds good on paper but hard to implement. However, through this module, we learnt how to utilize critical thinking as a tool to question basic assumptions, analyze evidence by sourcing for articles, and consider different viewpoints through the discussion of others. Additionally, my communication skills have also improved through this module, beyond just the basics of a conversation, I learnt how to tailor my messages and ideas to cater to different audience and contexts. Whether it is, writing a professional introductory letter, engaging in group discussions and projects, or even presenting to an audience about a particular solution I have worked on. I believe these skills acquired, will help me tremendously in my last journey through academia and my professional career in the industry. 

Project Learning

For my project, we worked on the modification of the Blue Bins to implement sensors and other features to enhance Singapore`s low recycling rate. Throughout this project, I not only could apply what I have learnt earlier in this module such as, paraphrasing properly, proper citations and how to source for articles, I also learnt new skills as the team`s scribe. As the team`s scribe, I had to note down important details of the group`s meeting, in addition to contributing some of my opinions and ideas as well. Initially it was hard to balance these 2 roles of a team`s scribe and being a team member, as I needed time to process and write down what the others have said, and to formulate my own opinion and thoughts into valuable inputs and feedback for the team. However, my team members would always abide my request to slow down their speech, allowing me to capture what they have said into transcripts, for which I am grateful to them.

 In addition, I have also learnt how important minutes are, as there are occasions where there be a repeated discussion of a certain function or design of the proposed solution, although it was already covered and discussed previously, and minutes help keep track of what is already discussed and keep the group moving forward. Overall, I am grateful and happy to have worked with the funniest and understanding individuals I have met in SIT together in a group, and here`s hoping to be doing more project with them.


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